

-- Refined - +2-5 Accuracy

Eagle's - +6-8 Accuracy

Falcon's - +12-15 Accuracy

Zephyr's - +19-20 Accuracy


Burly - +4-5 Strength

Hound's - +8-10 Strength

Tiger's - +13 Strength

Lionheart - +20 Strength


Mammoth's - +4 Stamina

Titan's - +8-10 Stamina

Juggernaut's - +13-15 Stamina

Leviathan's - +20 Stamina


Clever - +2-4 Willpower

Friar's - +7-9 Willpower

Bishop's - +12-13 Willpower

Archbishop's - +17 Willpower

All Attributes

Bold - All Attributes +3-5

Courageous - All Attributes +6-10

Fearless - All Attributes +11-15

    • The above properties can appear as Normal, Rare, and Legendary modifiers. The only apparent difference amongst them appears to be the required iLvl for the modifier to appear.

Hit Points

Healthy - +7-20 Hit Points

Bountiful - +23-38 Hit Points

Robust - +54-60 Hit Points

Vigorous - +73 Hit Points

Power Points

Energizing - +7-9 Power Points

Invigorating - +17-19 Power Points

Supercharged - +29 Power Points

    • Similar to the +Stat properties, these can appear as a mixture of Normal, Rare, and Legendary. Higher rarity increases the amount of points relative to the iLvl. Ie: Normal iLvl 20 Healthy value < Rare iLvl 20 Healthy value.


Lucky- +32 Luck

Fortunate - +45-50 Luck

Prosperous - +60-65 Luck

Hit Point Bonus %

Sustaining - +5% Hit Points

Restorative - +8-11% Hit Points

Bracing - +13-14% Hit Points

Health Regen

Healing - Health Regen 14-21/Min

Mendicant - Health Regen 31/Min

Panacea - Health Regen 34-73/Min

Power Regen

Recharging - Power Regen 12-16/Min

Reviving - Power Regen 23-25/Min

Ameliorating - Power Regen 31-54/Min

    • These numbers may be slightly off as Patch 0.1 claimed to have retuned the mechanics of Heath and Power Regen and some of this data was gathered during Patch 0.

Proc abilities

Shrapnel -

Crippling, Enervating , Debilitating

Rebounder Bolts -

Bouncing, Reflecting , Ricochet

Exploding Spikes -

Blasting, Exploding , Eruptive

Fire Nova -

Explosive, Charring , Searing

Electric Discharge -

Thundering, Striking , Bolting

Charged Bolts -

Charged, Storm , Tempest

Spectral Nova -

Tempering, Diminishing , Weakening

Toxic Nova -

Viperous, Virulent , Venomous

    • These Proc properties can come in 4 flavors - "on Attack" (while swinging/shooting), "on Hit", "on Kill", and "when Hit".

I've been told that Nova effects originate on the target whereas non-Nova abilities originate on the player triggering them (though "when Hit" is always player centered, due to the nature of the effect, I believe), though I've only had limited testing experience with them.

      • You can find all 4 flavors of Procs for all the different elements/abilities.

Defensive Procs

Barbed - Minor Physical Thorns

Asperous - Moderate Physical Thorns

Thorned - Major Physical Thorns

Fevered - Minor Fire Thorns

Febrile - Moderate Fire Thorns

Pyretic - Major Fire Thorns

Powered - Minor Electrical Thorns

Electrostatic - Moderate Electrical Thorns

Energized - Major Electrical Thorns

Ethereal - Minor Spectral Thorns

Empyrean - Moderate Spectral Thorns

Celestial - Major Spectral Thorns

Rotted - Minor Toxic Thorns

Decomposing - Moderate Toxic Thorns

Corroded - Major Toxic Thorns


Primal - Minor All Defenses

Chromatic - Moderate All Defenses

Kaleidoscopic - Major All Defenses

Stabilizing - Minor Stun Defense

Braced - Moderate Stun Defense

Steadied - Major Stun Defense

Extinguishing - Minor Ignite Defense

Dousing - Moderate Ignite Defense

Stifling - Major Ignite Defense

Resistant - Minor Shock Defense

Shielded - Moderate Shock Defense

Grounded - Major Shock Defense

Synchronized - Minor Phase Defense

Harmonic - Moderate Phase Defense

Concordant - Major Phase Defense

Vaccinating - Minor Poison Defense

Immunizing - Moderate Poison Defense

Inoculating - Major Poison Defense

    • Numbers are highly affect by iLvl. Normal appears to be on par with 10x iLvl while Rare and Legendary seem to employ values close to 20x iLvl.

Armor Value and Shields

Statuesque - +3-5% Total Armor Value

Monolithic - +7-8% Total Armor Value

Colossal - +10% Total Armor Value

    • Seems to be a Legendary only property.

Guarded - +9-17 Armor

Protected - +16-19 Armor

Solid - +13 Armor

Resolute - +42 Armor

Secure - +37-45 Armor

Impregnable - +50-100 Armor

Buffering - +6-16 Shields

Barricading - +17-30 Shields

Assimilating - +27-44 Shields

Redirecting - +20-45 Shields

Ablative - +50-100 Shields

Elemental Damage and Attack Strength

Hammering - ?% Physical Damage

Bashing - +15-17% Physical Damage

Pummeling - +20-21% Physical Damage

Forceful - +Minor Stun Attack Strength

Compelling - +Moderate Stun Attack Strength

Roundhouse - +Major Stun Attack Strength

Kindled - +11% Fire Damage

Inflamed - +15% Fire Damage

Volcanic - +21% Fire Damage

Burning - +Minor Ignite Attack Strength

Igniting - +Moderate Ignite Attack Strength

Combustible - +Major Ignite Attack Strength

Juiced - +??% Electrical Damage

Galvanized - +15% Electrical Damage

Volted - +21% Electrical Damage

Stunning - +Minor Shock Attack Strength

Dazing - +Moderate Shock Attack Strength

Staggering - +Major Shock Attack Strength

Eerie - +11-12% Spectral Damage

Lucent - +17% Spectral Damage

Radiant - +20% Spectral Damage

Spirited - +Minor Phase Attack Strength

Hallowed - +Moderate Phase Attack Strength

Consecrated - +Major Phase Attack Strength

Sickening - +11% Toxic Damage

Loathsome - +17% Toxic Damage

Tainted - +21% Toxic Damage

Contaminated - +Minor Poison Attack Strength

Polluted - +Moderate Poison Attack Strength

Radiated - +Major Poison Attack Strength

    • Attack strengths are also iLvl weighted.

Nonspecific Damage and Criticals

Fouled - +19% Damage

Blackened - +20% Damage

Blessed - +18-20% Damage

Sacred - +22-24% Damage

Divine - +26% Damage

Vindicator's - +1% Critical Chance Bonus

Punisher's - +3-4% Critical Chance Bonus

Avenger's - +5-6% Critical Chance Bonus

Crusher - +57% Critical Damage Bonus

Compensated - +64-65% Critical Damage Bonus

Vanquisher - +86-87% Critical Damage Bonus

Regulated - +92-101% Critical Damage Bonus

Annihilator - +105-113% Critical Damage Bonus

Harmonized - +121-135% Critical Damage Bonus

Shield Interaction

Disrupting - +51-57% Shield Overload

Subverting - +83% Shield Overload

Demolishing - +91-99% Shield Overload

Perforating - 39% Shield Penetration

Piercing - 49-53% Shield Penetration

Penetrating - +65-66% Shield Penetration

Anti Creature type Modifiers

[Type] = Beast, Necro, Demon, Spectral

[Type] Seeker's - +24-28% Damage vs [Type]

[Type] Tracker's - +36-41% Damage vs [Type]

[Type] Hunter's - +48-54% Damage vs [Type]

[Type]blight - +61-70% Critical Chance Multiplier vs [Type]

[Type]scourge - +97-104% Critical Chance Multiplier vs [Type]

[Type]bane - +121-131% Critical Chance Multiplier vs [Type]

[Type] Lasher's - +128% Critical Damage Bonus vs [Type]

[Type] Mauler's - +205-208% Critical Damage Bonus vs [Type]

[Type] Slayer's - +242-263% Critical Damage Bonus vs [Type]

Misc Weapon Efficiency/Effectiveness Properties

Aligned - +7% Range

Ranged - +9% Range

Telescopic - +12-13% Range

Extracircumferential - +10% Splash Damage Radius

Supercircumferential - +15% Splash Damge Radius

Megacircumferential - +20% Splash Damage Radius

Steady - Energy Consumption -4-7

Consistent - Energy Consumption -9-10

Faultless - Energy Consumption -13

Minion Buffs

Agreeable - +15% Minion Health

Commodious - +20-27% Minion Health

Beneficial - +33-36% Minion Health

Bracing - +24% Minion Armor

Reinforcing - +36-43% Minion Armor

Buttressing - +45-49% Minion Armor

Acerbic - +20% Minion Damage

Slashing - +18-25% Minion Damage

Scathing - +19-30% Minion Damage

General Skill Properties

Stretching - +5% buff skill duration

Spanning - +8-9% buff skill duration

Enduring - +12% buff skill duration

Continuing - +4-7% boost skill duration

Prolonging - +8% boost skill duration

Persisting - +14% boost skill duration

Afflicted - +7% curse skill duration

Grevious - +?% curse skill duration

Woeful - +14% curse skill duration

Movement and Speed

Agile - +5% Movement Speed

Spry - +8-10% Movement Speed

Nimble - +12-14% Movement Speed

Quicksilver - +16-18% Movement Speed

Class Skill Properties

Smithed - +11% Combat skill damage

Gunsmithed - +15% Combat skill damage

Sighted - +20-22% Combat skill damage

Sparing - -10% Tactical skill power cost

Efficient - -12-14% Tactical skill power cost

Spartan - -16-17% Tactical skill power cost

Triggered - +??% Tactical skill use rate

Quickdrawn - +12-13% Tactical skill use rate

Snapshot - +??% Tactical skill use rate

????? - -??% Evocation skill power cost

Rapacious - -12% Evocation skill power cost

Expeditious - -16% Evocation skill power cost

Augmented - +11% Evocation skill damage

Increscent - +17% Evocation skill damage

????? - +??% Evocation skill damage

Accelerated - +11% Evocation skill use rate

Ardent - +14% Evocation skill use rate

????? - +??% Evocation skill use rate

Moderate - -9% Swordsmanship skill power cost

Practical - -13% Swordsmanship skill power cost

Miserly - -17% Swordsmanship skill power cost

Sharp - +??% Swordsmanship skill damage

Sharper - +17% Swordsmanship skill damage

Sharpened - +??% Swordsmanship skill damage

Glorified - +10% Swordsmanship skill use rate

Exalted - +12% Swordsmanship skill use rate

Zealous - +14% Swordsmanship skill use rate

+ All Skills Properties

Gladiator's - +1 all Blademaster Skills

Hero's - +1 all Guardian skills

Skirmisher's - +1 all Marksman skills

Pioneer's - +1 all Engineer skills

Theurgist's - +1 all Evoker skills

Bringer's - +1 all Summoner skills

    • Legendary only properties

+ Specific Skills Properties

Skillful - 1 Rank of Random Skill

Proficient - 2 Ranks of Random Skill

Masterful - 3 Ranks of Random Skill

Able - 1 Rank of Random Skill

    • Able seems to be intended for either higher level skills or lower iLvl items, though it doesn't seem to be functioning precisely in either of those matters, especially since Skillful seems capable of granting high level skills even on lower iLvl items.

Presently Unsorted

Stabilized - +18% Critical Chance Multiplier

Equalized - +22% Critical Chance Multiplier

Marksman's - +44% Weapon Accuracy

Veracious - Weapon Accuracy Degradation -40

Linear Accelerated - Increases Missle Speed by 49%

Railed - Increases Missile Speed by 72%

Swift - +2 Sprint

Fawke's - +Minor Ignite Attack Strength (Armor Property)

    • As others have pointed out, Fawke's is still an existing property, even after the end of the event.